Friday, September 20, 2013

A free invitation for you to begin

Creativity & Courage

I am writing with a personal invitation and C&C update.  I am postponing the September Workshops scheduled for this weekend.  I will be in touch soon with a shout out for you to rejoin me on the Creative & Courageous Hero’s Path in October.

The last workshop that many of you took either this spring or summer concluded with:
“I am only one, but still I am one and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do what I can.”-Helen Keller

You courageously started then and now I would like to offer you a new beginning this weekend.  While we will not meet in person I invite you to give yourself that time.  Those 3 hrs to begin again: to begin being the change you want in your life, to begin creating something new, to begin working on something old, to begin being your most authentic and creative being, to begin listening to your heart, to begin scribbling with your hand, to begin encouraging yourself, to begin giving yourself your time and loving attention.

My suggestion is to give your self the afternoon this fine weekend alone in nature.  Take a walk, a long enough walk that you walk through the grinding thoughts and you find yourself in a field.  A field filled with delight, birds singing, crickets buzzing, bees humming, smells of honey and hay, sunshine warming your body and begin being there.  Begin being what you are there.  Begin feeling what you feel there.  Begin hearing what you hear there.  Begin seeing what you see there.

After an hour, pick yourself a bouquet from the floral banquet that is freely given to you by the greatest creator.  You are deserving of your gifts!

This gift is from all of us to you.  We all benefit from your creativity.  We all cherish your well-being.  We all are inspired by your courage.  We all share in your joy.  We all feel your sadness.  We all love you.

What will you begin?

We will see….and I will see you for the beginning of the Creativity & Courageous Hero’s Path Workshops in October.  Until then let this months meditation be:

Let it begin with me

PS.  As always please feel free to reach out to me for anything or any questions you may have.
Workshop Postponed Begins Now: October 2013
New C&C Workshop Series!!! Courageous Creators, The Hero's Path.

A new advanced Creativity & Courage workshop series designed for the creative being who has the desire and willingness to courageously advance towards their potential and purpose.  This workshop serve's as a beacon, illuminating the path of the hero.  The hero is one who dares to be their full and authentic self, to boldly express their creativity in this precious life.  Through exposure to a variety of hands-on creative exercises, readings and peer support this workshop series
you will deepen your ability to express thoughts and feelings. Through your innate creativity you will discover new ways to problem solve, communicate and connect with both yourself and others. This series is for each of you that want to explore your unique creativity in a supported and mindful environment, to be challenged to experience and examine your relationship to your existing thoughts and perceptions, and allow new ideas to emerge in surprisingly delightful ways!
"Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"-Mary Oliver

This course meets in Hudson, NY one Saturday a month for the school year, (Sept-May) from 2-5pm
Dates:  10/19, 11/16, 12/14, 1/11, 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17
Cost: $550 Full series,
individual workshops are $100. Each class is limited in size to 10 participants. For questions and to register email or call #917-622-5141.

Previous workshops students have said:
"I learned that I flourish in spaces of time devoted purely to creativity."-Nicole Smith Vidor, Life Coach

"This is a wonderful workshop, there were many ways to access our own knowing.  I left feeling stronger and internally balanced."-Alison Fox, Artist, Educator.

"By taking time out of routine thinking and actions and by giving myself the time and space for creative exploration, I became present for deep insights to emerge that perhaps were always present, but not overheard above the more habitual thoughts."-Gianni Iacono, Chef
"I've learned to release judgement. about my work as well as others and to concentrate on my thought processes and why. Why do I make certain choices? What are those choices and what do they represent to me and my life? I've learned and confirmed to myself that I was a very happy 5 year old boy in kindergarten. The exercises constantly bring me back to that awareness of discovery. I remember being so excited in kindergarten when I mixed colors and drew and cut things and glued things and sewed things. It was pure JOY. Innocent and magical. This is what made me happy and I wanted to always feel this way. This workshop brings that to the 53 year old little boy inside of me. "-Tim Ebneth, Artist

"These workshops have given me a chance to participate both in the joy of creating and in having a shared experience with others who brought energy and joy to the experience. It has been all good!"-Michael Colberg-Psychotherapist

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