Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Escaped into the present moment

I have been feeling a disconnect from the hands on process of making art. Life has been big and very full. My 10 hrs a week of non-Sunny time has been gobbled by the minions and millions of to-do's. Leaving me in my head. Tonight I felt envious, frustrated, exhausted with a livid desire to escape my circumstances.
It seems my unconscious is becoming better friends with my conscious, because before I reached for a internet fix, I thought to go outside- lay down and watch the sky. I've never done that so spontaneously and I highly recommend it as an immediate vacation solution. The great escape into the sky.
This small action delivered me into the most vast moment. Its all here now, an extraordinary instant, full of sound, light, and feelings. The difficult moments take us to the precious moments, places where our soul can touch our heart.

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