Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The First Giraffe

The First Giraffe
12" x 12"
Mixed Medium on Wood

This is actually the first giraffe painting I did a couple days back, I just didn't post it. ( My friend Mary swooped this one up!!!)

And below is a little sketch I did of the sunset I watched on my drive home yesterday. I am so excited I am about to go to Ireland, tomorrow I'll be in another country!!!!! Isn't that weird that we can literally be transported to another country in 6hrs???? I will be doing sketches over there, and filling my brain with new images, I am soooo excited. I like sketching what I see from memory, because when I do, its like revisiting the initial moments, and experiencing all the specialness over again.

So, off I go! I'll post again in two wks! Yippi!!

Yesterdays Sunset
8" x 22"
Mixed Medium on Paper

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